
Learning Integrity

Samuel is at the 5th stage of the Spiritual revision lessons with Our Children. After the Integrity lesson, we asked the kids if anyone has any application or situation that related to our lesson after hearing it. The answer of Samuel was “I have gone through a situation and I was honest in it.”

So we asked him to share with us what happened with him. Samuel said that once while going to buy things for his family’s home with some friends, he found a mobile in the street. He took it to find its owner, but his friend told him, “let’s get rid of the sim card and sell it to earn money.” Samuel refused firmly and insisted to deliver it back to its owner. Then his friend tried to take it by force from him.

Samuel ran quickly to his house and got his father to help him in sending the mobile back to its owner. Samuel shared that because of what he has heard in the church, he has learned that he must send back any “found stuff” to its owner. After a while,Samuel and his father received a call from the mobile owner, and he came and took his mobile, and he thanked them for giving him the mobile back.

Every spiritual lesson we teach through Our Children, as well as the local churches in the villages, is so valuable for these children’s every day lives. May God bless and grow the hearts, minds and lives of all of these Egyptian children.

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More Than Learning To Write

My name is Reda and I’m in Grade 5. I didn’t know how to read or write and in the school exams they used to write the answers on the blackboard for us, but even with the answers in front of me sometimes I couldn’t get it right. It was embarrassing for me to be asked to write anything. I also felt ashamed because of my grades. When the Our Children ministry started at our village, the workers wanted to evaluate me on my writing, but I couldn’t even write the letters correct. So they set a date for me and the kids with the same level in writing to start a literacy program with Ms. Nevin to teach us reading and writing over the summer. I went to the class on the date and started letters, words and sentences. I was very committed going to the class weekly and doing the homework because I really wanted to learn reading and writing and I didn’t want anybody to call me a loser or stupid anymore. And by the end of the summer vacation, we had a dictation to evaluate our progress and I was able to write everything I learned! I was very happy when the teacher told me that I’m a smart boy. I’m also thrilled that we’ll be taking classes at church in different subjects when the school starts.

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