Inspire, Impact & Empower Children in Egypt



We know education of the mind is a key component to long-term change. Therefore, our programs teach literacy, emotional well-being and physical wellness. Upon sponsorship, we assess the child’s reading and writing abilities and offer tutoring to bring each child up to their age-appropriate literacy level.

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physical & emotional health

physical & emotional health

No child or family can progress in life without good physical & emotional health. We provide basic help with exams, medicines and such. But our greater help is in the area of emotional health, the root of many issues that we see. Therefore we offer many activities and initiatives to address emotional health...

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The most critical area of growth, we focus a great deal on teaching the children about Jesus and the Gospel—that they are loved by God and special. The children meet in weekly discipleship groups with a leader from our local partner church in the village. Their leader teaches them ...

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