
Fresh fun fellowship

We recently created a fresh fun fellowship time for the children in our program in the village of Ashnin–a Children’s Camp just for them! We took a group of 64 children to a conference center for a joy-filled time together over a weekend, including some lessons we taught them on understanding their value as children, and how to find their value. More and more, we are realizing that a huge need in our villages here in Egypt is to improve the emotional health of children and families!

Some of the fun they had included playing sports together and doing art, like drawing and painting. A very special time was spent in the swimming pool–many of the children had never swam in a pool (only in a small lagoon/creek type of water) and they were amazed and enjoyed it immensely! One of our staff shared with us: “The children enjoyed themselves; they were full of happiness and joy!”

Most of these children have never experienced time away from their families and homes in a setting like this, with a church and with each other, all for them! As another staff said, “They had a new experience giving them the message that they are precious and there are many people that care for them in a personal way.”

Continue to join us in praying for each of the children inside and outside of our program. We pray that the message, that they’re valuable and they can find their value in Jesus and how He loves them, will permeate their hearts and be something they will not soon forget!

If you’re interested in sponsoring a child in our program, please click here.



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